School Improvement & Innovation Plan at a Glance
School Improvement & Innovation Plan At-a-Glance
- 2024-2025
- Forestville Elementary School
- Region 1
- Sarah Brooker, Principal
- Afton Carlson, Assistant Principal
Reading by 3rd Grade
- The percentage of students in grades K-3 meeting or exceeding the VALLSS screener benchmarks will increase by 5 percentage points from fall 2024 to spring 2025.
- The percentage of multilingual learners who demonstrate appropriate progress in WIDA language acquisition will increase by 5 percentage points from spring 2024 to spring 2025.
- Increase the efficiency of instructional delivery to ensure all students have daily access to all components of the language arts block as outlined in the new core curriculum.
- Use embedded formative assessments in the new core curriculum to guide tier 1 and tier 2 instructional decisions.
- Increase opportunities for students to develop oral language through pair and small group structures that promote engagement.
Elementary School Math
- By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, the percentage of students meeting or exceeding the iReady grade level benchmark will increase from 88% to 93%.
- The percentage of students with disabilities meeting or exceeding the iReady grade level benchmark will increase from 72% to 77%.
- Increase teacher implementation strategies related to instructional shift 8: from looking for correct answers towards revealing student thinking.
- Increase teachers' content knowledge and implementation of the 2023 FCPS mathematics program of studies.
- Increase teachers' implementation of strategies and conversation structures that increase academic talk between students related to Shift 4: from show and tell to share and compare.
Portrait of a Graduate
- By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, 95% of students will be able to reflect on how they grew their POG skills and why it matters with an average score of at least "proficient" on Criteria 1 and 3 of the POG POL rubric.
- Expand opportunities for students to regularly learn about, apply, and reflect on POG skills aligned with course content.
- Increase the use of inquiry-based learning experiences that elevate student voice and produce evidence of learning.
- Expand opportunities for students to discuss evidence of the growth of POG attributes.