Student Voice: Hear From a Forestville ES Student

June 11, 2020

FCPS asked students to share their stories on two subjects:

  • Mental health and wellness during school closure, and
  • Resilience, which is the process of adapting well to life’s tough challenges.

Shreya, a sixth grader at Forestville ES, responded with two poems.

Coping With Coronavirus

Barred in a suppressing house.
With my family left and right,
Possibly I will go mad
But I’m putting up a fight.

Always some sort of noise
A bang or crash or squeal
After quarantine is over,
My ears will need time to heal.

Sometimes it feels like a prison
Bars at the windows and all.
Masks are gags and glasses are blindfolds.
But we will keep standing tall.

One day I’ll tell my kids the tales
Because we are living history.
And no matter what comes our way
Tomorrow will be a mystery.

But we will keep looking at the bright side.
For together we are tethered.
Keep a smile on your faces.
And remember, apart together.


Last year crowds were large and larger were smiles.
We laughed and we played, traveled miles and miles.
But 2020 came around, with a new wicked villain.
The coronavirus and it caused a division.

But think of the good, the light, not the dark.
Think of this year as a journey to embark.
We may be apart, but apart as one.
Be optimistic, this will sooner be done.

There will always be another spring.
Always another song to sing
Always another friend to lean on.
And always some hope to look upon.

Think about all the good in your life.
It will make you happy, remove the strife.
Stomp on the sadness, let hope be your guide.
We will make it out together, side by side.

Submit Your Own Creative Effort

In your own voice and choice of media, tell us your unique and compelling thoughts. Selected stories will appear on the FCPS Student Voice webpage. Learn about this platform and how to submit

Student Wellness: Tips and Strategies

For tips to help manage your emotions and see what to do if you are in crisis, visit Student Wellness.